Duncan Sykora was born in the lush, balmy countryside of Suffolk, during what seemed to be the eternal summer of the sixties. At the age of eleven, he was torn from this idyllic setting, along with his siblings, and re-located to the barren, isolated Kyles of Bute on the windswept west coast of Scotland.
The sharp shock of travelling three hours each day to school and back, down the winding single track roads, instilled in him an appreciation of the beauty of the desolate northern landscape. Cold dark winter mornings, over the stark hills and round deep peat coloured lochs, past deserted decaying farms and crofts. Each image imprinted on his subconscious over the years.
Later, studying fine art at Sunderland, in the north of England, he specialised in photography and printmaking. He now lives and works in the heart of the Ribble Valley, amongst the moody Lancashire countryside and remains of Victorian industrial history.
His photographs evoke the brooding atmosphere and loneliness of the northern landscape.